
|Awards I have won| |Awards I give out|

Yes, I've created my own awards. No, you cannot see them here. Why not? Because of Internet piracy. I'm not going to spend my time creating cute little images to give out that people are going to steal off of my site. Not that anyone would; people would have to come to my site. But you never know what will happen.

However, you CAN see a prototype. A generic award, if you will.

I have not won any awards yet. My site apparently is not worthy of any. Oh, well. I don't mind too much.

To earn an award, I have to either like your page, or you do something nice for me (e.g., sign my guestbook.) I will not give out awards to everyone, since that defeats the purpose of the awards.

Please click on the links at the top of the page to learn more about my awards.