The Philip Quast Shrine

Welcome to the Philip Quast Shrine. Here are presented some of the best pictures available of Philip Quast, for the enjoyment of all. These pictures I have collected from around the Web. The idea for the page is all mine, as I idolise the man, and I needed a place to worship him. As the Romans had their shrines to their Lares(household gods), so I have my shrine to Philip Quast.

A lovely picture, I believe from one of the television series Philip has done. Philip as Javert during the opening scenes of Les Mis
This is one of my favorite images of Philip as Javert. He gives a solid performance, and it is nearly impossible to tell the character and the actor apart.
Ahhh, the infamous blue shirt picture. I love this picture. A very nice black and white picture of Philip on his boat, all down and dirty. I like it!
This is Philip in Around the World in Eighty Ways. This hat and that smile make him look so adorable!
A very pretty artistic rendering of a picture of Philip during his run with the Secret Garden in Australia Yes, I have an obsession with Philip as Javert. He does this role so well... and gives a thoroughly emotional and heart-wrenching rendering of the Suicide. I can't help but adore it!

Many of these pictures -- in fact, all of them -- and more can be found at The Philip Quast Continuum, Philip's official website. Please be sure to visit this site, as it is a most valuable resource to anyone interested in knowing anything about this wonderfully versatile performer. If anyone holds any offense that I use any of the pictures on this site, please let me know. I do not mean to offend anyone by using these photos and pictures; I only replicate them here on this shrine for my own personal adoration -- the fact that I place them on a website does not mean I own them. Rather, I claim no ownership to these pictures.

~Mme. Javert

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